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Visions of India

An introduction and overview by exhibition curator, Nathaniel Gaskell.


The history of photography in India is a mix of distinct yet interconnected trajectories. Shortly after its invention in Europe in the 1840s, the camera arrived in the subcontinent and was used, primarily, as a tool of administration and control.



Interpretive texts

We have invited a range of writers, curators, artists and academics to respond to a work of their choice in the exhibition.


These short texts offer a range of insights and observations, and may provide an unexpected entry-point into the exhibition.



Learn more about the artists in Visions of India

Read artist biographies for artists in the exhibition including Indu Antony, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Gauri Gill, Karen Knorr, Pushpamala N, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew and Suresh Punjabi.


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Photographic glossary

Learn more about the photographic mediums and specialist terms relevant to the exhibition.


This section includes examples such as gelatin silver, albumen, and carbon prints.


Making the exhibiton happen

A section for aspiring museum professionals and curious visitors, here you can learn about the various gallery roles within a public institution, as well as the steps that were taken to bring Visions of India to Melbourne from Bengaluru.



Kids' activities

Download an activity for kids of all ages. 


These hands-on activities have been prepared by the Museum of Art & Photography (MAP), Bengaluru. They're aimed to engage students from 6 to 17 years of age, as well as any curious visitors.


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The exhibition

We encourage all visitors to view the exhibition in person where possible but whether distance or time makes this impossible we have documented the exhibition in pictures as well prepared a virtual tour to keep the exhibition accessible to a wider audience.


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Media links

The exhibition has had numerous coverage in the media including mainstream media, arts publications and India specific outlets.


Monash Gallery of Art logo
Museum of Art & Photography logo


Visions of India: from the colonial to the contemporary

17 December 2021 – 20 March 2022

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